Hello Yarn Shoppe Shoppers,Isn't the weather great? I heard it is supposed to rain tonight...YEA. I think we can even do a fire tonight!
Well, as you have been hearing...we have BIG things to tell you... but not yet.
We are going to wait till Saturday, November 21st when we have our big sale! Did you read that...
a SALE before Thanksgiving! We have decided that rather than ask you to come stand here in the dark, in the cold at 3 AM...we are giving you the sale
1 WEEK EARLY. That way those of you on your way out of town have some really fun things to take and work on!!
This will be more than a shopping day...please plan to join us from 12-2 PM for a wonderful lunch, with beverages included .
We will also celebrating our 4th ANNIVERSARY so save room for dessert! Can you believe it...4 years. I'll try not to cry and blubber...
At 2 PM we will be making a toast to celebrate with dessert.
Every purchase of $100 or more will enter you into our Christmas present GIVE AWAY.
Now, for today...we have received a TON of Cascade Pure Alpaca as well as Eco Alpaca... Oh, we also received Cascade Baby
Alpaca Chunky in about 15 colors! I hear there is a hat project in the works for December. Wait till you see what I did behind your back!
You know the drill... In the Loopers...come on in tonight for the viewing and purchasing. We are open till 9 PM.
Enough said...
See you at the table.
Anna Starr