Friday, May 8, 2009


I found a sheet of paper just laying around the shop last night. So, it was in the desk, under a book (Shearing Made Easy) behind the inventory catalog. But other than that it was just laying around. I know what the sale is. IT IS 15% OFF ANYTHING IN THE STORE. IF YOU ARE AN IN THE LOOP MEMBER THAT MEANS YOU GET 25% OFF!!!!!! If anyone is willing to come forth with the original pictures from a certain vacation I recently took I am sure I can sweeten the deal.

Now, yesterday before my sister decided to go on a ride I was about to tell you what new yarns had come in. And they will be included in the sale tomorrow as well so make sure you get there early to get best pick. It is a virtual rainbow of Berroco Comfort and Comfort DK. So many colors it is unbelievealbe. I know someone is using it to make a knitted Santa Claus that will be taught at Christmas in July. This person is also making a knitted Dragon that will be taught in the fall. All using Berroco Comfort DK.

Schaefer lace yarns and sock weights too. Elsabeth Lavold Silky Wool in about 10 new colors. The Custom Knit book has the coolest top made from the Silky Wool. The Knit Along group is making it now. Simply B-EWE-tiful.

Also...Ty-Dy from Knit One Crochet Too as well as Trendsetter Tonelita. The Tonilita is the most beautiful colorways ever. They knit up striped so beautifully. Both of these are for upcoming classes... You have to come in and see them.

Hey wait a minute - what was the name of that book? Something about Shearing... I think I had better go on another mission tonight and get rid of that.


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