Monday, March 9, 2009

Back in the shop

AHHHH tomorrow I will return to the Yarn Shoppe after a wonderful trip to Disney. I can't thank Jennifer and her family enough for taking me on their excursion.

I am looking forward to lounging some of the new Cascade Alpaca and catching some shut eye. Of course, I sleep with one ear open. You never know what you can hear when hiding among the yarn.

I heard something about shearing season coming up. Anna thinks I need to be sheared before I head to Phoenix. Something about the hot weather and my wool coat not being a good match. I simply can't let Anna get me to the shearer me before I head to Ireland. I would be so embarrased to meet those Irish sheep and not have my beautiful wool coat.

I have been in contact with my sister Francesca and my best friend Percy - he is a pink alpaca. They have agreed to keep their ears open while I am gone.

Have you heard about the Christmas Stocking class that Pam is teaching? Every month a new stocking to hang by the mantle. Boy she sure is a planner - already working on things for next Christmas.

The first Learning to Crochet Class is this Thursday March 12. It is a 2 session class.

PLUS FURLOUGH FREE FRIDAY will be next Friday March 20th. Call Anna and she will make arrangements to teach you to knit. The class is free - all you have to do is buy the materials to make a simple scarf. Can't beat that. Free is always good.

I am hearing something about so many new classes - Just for EWE, Monthly Scarf club, T-shirt/tank classes, Crochet hat club, a new knit along using the Big Girl Knit book, a class in making a really cool purse that has cables. The list just goes on. You can't miss the fun.

See you tomorrow. Look for me in the Alpaca

1 comment:

  1. Frank, sweetie, I'm thinkin of ya . . . . ok, so I love all the update, but dude, watch out, like I'm having lunch at the table, the famous table at the store, and I hearing stuff about "having to get Frank in" . . . . sweetie you're on the list,. . . . hide, run cause Anne is very organized and she is wanting you to be 'bare butt' prior to the Ireland tour, no way, have you seen those Irish girls?!
