Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Class projects

Anna will be doing "Flip Flop Socks"
Don't you just have to have these for out by the pool?
Won't this look great on the table at the big family barby

Peggy's sample of Entralac
(pronounced, 'how the heck do they do that with only one yarn')
Cathy's Drop Stitch Scarf, wow, check out the colors!
Pamela is getting raves on this Debbie Bliss Purse, get in quick and get your yarn!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So much to do.....

OK so they won't give me total free reign while they are there but after Dena and Cathy leave I work hard. All they do is knit knit knit - and help customers but I am the one who gets the work done. Last night, I thought the class board needed help so I labeled all the projects. I moved a couple projects so they could be in a better place to view.

I unloaded a new book order - yes it finally came. You have got to check out the book Pints and Purls. There are some awesome projects in there. Percy wants someone to make the beer cozies to send back to his "fraternity brothers" in Kansas. There was also a great book on Prayer Shawls, Anna got in 2 copies of Wendy Bernards Custom Knits. That is such a HOT book. Better grab a copy fast. That is the book teh Custom Knits group on Sunday uses. They are starting a new project this week. totally come check it out.

So Like yesterday we also got in a box of Trendsetter Tonilita. Dena wouldn't let me put it away. Something about not knowing how to put it into inventory. I personally think she wanted to keep it for herself. She kept taking it out of the box and showing people. There are some really neat colors. Come in and check it out. Maybe you can get it away from her.

Several people were looking at the class for the Debbie Bliss Bag. Pam is teaching it May 9th. It is such a summer purse. I wonder if there are handles in my size. Make sure you get signed up before it runs out of room.

Time for a quick spin on the yarn baller before the task masters get here.


Monday, April 27, 2009


Like he is gone again and I rule the roost. Ignore the alpaca in the corner. I am the queen of the Yarn Shoppe. I can do what I want stay up as late as I want. Heck with the shortened hours this week I can sleep as late as I want. Everyone went on the cruise so Anna shortened the hours. This gives me more time to play. Yeah, Dena and Cathy are here to keep me in line but give them Hibiscus Lemonade and I think I can get them to leave me to do what I want.

Frank said he would be calling me from the ship to check up on things. Hope he doesn't get caught using Anna's credit card. She would not be happy to see those charges on her bill. Maybe if he does get caught Anna will leave me in charge and I can go to Ireland instead. May have to tell her to keep an eye on her credit card bill when she gets back. After all she does trust me - I told her there was something suspicious in the green yarn the other day.....


Saturday, April 25, 2009

WHO DID IT?!?!?!

I wanna know who sold me out!!!! Who told Anna where I was hiding? I thought I blended in so well with the green chunky yarn that she would never ever find me. She says it was the sneeze that gave me away. I don't think so. My sneezes are very danity and quiet. I think someone saw me and gave me away. I don't think Anna had a reward out for me so I don't know why anyone would do it.

I guess my goose is cooked. I am going on the cruise. Anna said something about sucking it up and taking it like a sheep. FINE!!! I will go but I WON'T have fun. She can't make me. I will stay in my cabin and plot. I have a great idea for a new sale for Mother's Day. This will give me time to get it all figured out. When will Anna learn not to mess with me. I am smarter than the average sheep you know.

Have you seen the May calendar. It is on the website. There are some great classes. May 8 Debbie will be having a crochet baby poncho and hat class. May 9th there is a Debbie Bliss bag class

May 12 there is something new. If you bring your finished projects into the shop from 6-8, the staff will take pictures of them and email them to you. Then you can post them on Ravelry or send them to your friends. That also happens to be during Happy Hour so it is a great time to stop in anyway.

Anna is teaching an Entralac scarf class on May 23. And Cathy will be having her first beginning Dyeing Class May 30. There is so much more to tell you about but my hoofs are getting tired.

See you when I get back. Anna better remember the Dramamine.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

My vacation

Here I am calling back to the shoppe to ensure everything is going smoothly.

This is Rachel, Anna's daughter. She took great care of me on the trip.
This is where Anna springs it on me she "forgot" to pack my medicine. That was a big plane and I realized sheep don't fly.

This is a view from our resort before we went on the ship. Great view. Before things got bad.

Here I am sunning my self. How was I to know that my wool would not protect me?
This is my new friend. He gave me quite a scare. But then I startled him as well. He had never seen a sheep on a beach before. Wonder if there is a drink by that name?

This is Maty. After I got sunburned I ran to the water to cool off. She saved me. I don't know how to swim. Plus she was worried I would felt in the water.
Here I am reading Maty Desperaux. It was my way of saying thanks for her great save.
This a picture of our ship. Anna took it. This was when I was laying in my cabin with chills (getting sick on Rachel's luggage - sorry about that)But sunburn and no medicine don't mix.

You know I am sure there is a joke somewhere about a pig, a rabbit and a sheep but I am not sure I am allowed to tell it. I think if Anna finds me before the next cruise, I will stay in my cabin for good measure. It is at least safe there.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When will she learn?

Remember how I mentioned I had gone into hiding? I don't think Anna realizes I am gone yet. I was hiding in the bulky yarns and over heard a conversation between Anna, Cathy and Dena. Anna was complaining about my post. You know the one where I told the TRUTH about the cruise. She was going on and on about how she was not responsible for packing for me. That she had her own packing to do as well as her 3 kids. How could she possibly be responsible for packing for a sheep. She said it was not her fault I didn't have sunscreen or my motion sickness medicine. "She is not my mother"

She had enough to do and I should admit responsiblity for my mistake and not lay the blame on her. WELL!!!!! She also said I was going on this next cruise whether I liked it or not. My passage had been paid for and people were expecting me to be there. It was in my contract to be there and to be polite. She has to find me first. If she thinks being a mom is tough she should try being a sheep. I think I have an idea for a sale. Let me think a little more.

I also overheard plans for bringing in some cool designers as well as something more about Christmas in July. It sounds fun. Classes everyday to get everyone in the spirit of making Christmas gifts. Wonder what I will teach?

Did you hear for 3 weeks this summer there will be kids in here learning to knit? For 2 hours every morning laughing, smiling kids interuppting my sleep. What is Anna thinking? If I wasn't in hiding I would talk to her and have her rethink her plans.

Well, bust burrow in. If you see me, don't give away my hiding place.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am in hiding. Anna is bound and determined to take me on the next cruise. I DON'T WANT TO GO. I have grown accustomed to my little yarn shoppe. I thought seeing the world would be great fun. But after that last cruise, I am not so sure. I personally think Anna wants to take me just so I will give and go to the shearer before I go to Ireland. I am looking forward to that trip.

Anna promises I won't have to get off the ship this time, that way I don't have to worry about sand in my coat. It took Percy and Frankie HOURS to get it all out this weekend. Anna wondered why there was a sandcastle in the office. I was trying to make a point. Sheep are not meant for beaches. Melissa and Pam swear I will have a good time on this cruise but I am not so sure. Anna didn't even get me my own room. I have to share with her. Maybe I can share with Jordanna or Pam. I am still mad at Anna.

I have to come up with a simply wonderful sale idea. Something that will take Anna by surprise. Hopefully she won't catch me this time.

PLEASE DON'T tell Anna where I am or that you have heard from me. Maybe if she thinks I ran away she won't look for me and won't make me go on the cruise.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

back to routine

Do you realize by the time April is over, I will have been on a ship for 13 days? I don't think many sheep have such great sea legs.

I can't believe it. Anna's kids were in the store telling more about our trip. I thought they were my friends. They were telling about how I got sick all over someone's luggage and how the taxi driver didn't understand that I really could fit in the taxi to get to the beach. (he made me follow behind the taxi) How embarassing. I promise everyone I will not get off the ship at all next time around. Just isn't worth the hassle. I will stay on deck and enjoy fun drinks that come in pineapples with little umbrellas. I think that is more my speed.

Boy did I miss a lot while I was gone. I can't believe all the new yarns that came in. The store looks like a rainbow with all the new Berroco colors. 50 pounds of yarn is lots of color. There were some new Cascade 22o Tweeds. There is a shipment of books due any minute. Supposedly some great titles with awesome patterns. Anna says it is never to late to start thinking about Christmas presents. I better start my list to Santa then.

The first dyeing class is schulded for May 30th. There is a limit of 10 people for the class so hurry and sign up. Anna is also working on a designer book signing as well as a couple trunk shows. Why would you want to look at peoples trunks? Maybe she is bringing in elephants with really large trunks. I don't understand that.

The instructors are really having fun planning projects for the summer classes. Those ladies are so talented. The calendar should be up any day. There is a Drop stitch scarf class for May 16. I personally know there will be a sale in May. I am planning it. Anna will learn who is really in charge around here.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

So you want to see the world?

A few months ago, a very nice lady invited me to be her yarn stores mascot. In exchange, I would travel with customers and see the world. I loved Reno, adored Disney BUT I will never ever cruise with Anna Starr again!!!!! I know she beat me to the punch and told HER side of the story. Now let me tell you the TRUTH. Personally, I think after you hear this story you will agree she took me on this trip just to mess up my coat so I would agree to get sheared before Ireland. WELL, that will never happen.

Anna was in charge of packing my suitcase and she conveniently forgot several very important items that all sheep need when going on a Mexican Cruise. Imagine not packing sheep "happy pills" How am I to fly? Anna conveniently forgets to mention that I will not have my motion sickness medicine for the entire flight. WHAT!!!!!! a week on water. Did she ever notice that sheep tend to prefer being on solid ground? So, I manage to make do on the flights with only Sprite to keep me going.

The ship was great at first. The send off party was wonderful. I knew this was going to be great. In a pinch, I was sure the ship had a veterinarian who would be able to help me with motion sickness.

Do you know how humid it is in Mexico? It is worse than any day in Kansas. I ask Anna for my brush because I was worried about matting of my coat and I wanted to look good on the beach. Guess what else Anna forgot? Yup you guessed it. My brush. She told me that in her rush to pack it just got misplaced. (I know the truth - she wanted my fur to mat so I would consent to the shearer) I was to have dinner at the Captains table but I couldn't show my face, let alone my coat in public so I sent my deepest apologies. It would have been humiliating to show up looking like I did.

So the next day we arrived at St. Thomas. The whole family decided to head to the beach. Anna says I forgot to put my sunscreen on. Hello - who was in charge of packing my suitcase? Plus the ship didn't have any with a high enough SPF to protect my skin. I didn't want to disappoint anyone so I put on a happy face and went anyway. Did you know beaches are made of sand. So not only was I matted and sunburned, I brought back have of the Mexican beach sand in my coat.

Later I started to feel ill. Turns out I had sun poisoning because of not not wearing sunblock. I got stuck in the cabin. I didn't get to do anything else the whole trip. Can you believe the ship did not have a vet? The people doc did the best he could. He managed to find Ann a brush and she tried to brush my wool. But it hurt so I wouldn't let her.

Anna keeps telling me the next cruise won't be so bad. Supposedly it won't be so humid. She says it will be even better if I allow her to get me sheared before we go. Not on her life will I get sheared. As soon as this sun burn is gone Frankie and Percy will be brushing me to full fluff.

Just remember dear readers - revenge is sweet and I will get even. But how can I top a free yarn sale? Give me your ideas. Together we can make Anna re think her decisions.

I will talk to Frankie and Percy to catch up on what is coming up aroudn here and let you know.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I know I know....

I know I am to be covering for my big brother but ya know sometimes life gets in the way of work, Besides he was to be home already but there were plane problems and he hasnt' come home yet. So technically, I am supposed to be on vacation but I will cover for him for a couple more days if needed.

The Shoppe was hopping tonight. It was Happy Hour Tuesday. I thought it was going to be a quiet night but all of a sudden the place was jumping. There were so many people that they had to divide into 2 groups but no one seemed to mind. There were some great new ladies. And all of my friends were there. Everyone had great projects and they were eager to show them off to each other.

Percy is back home. He thinks since he went to Kansas to college for a couple weeks he knows every thing. But he is still a PINK alpaca even if he is an honorary member of a Fraternity. Maybe I should point this out to him.

I hear there is to be a new shipment of books due soon!!!! Can't wait to see it. Wonder what will be there.

Time to turn on Madonna and spin the night a way.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Out of the loop

For someone who is supposed to be In The Loop about the goings on in Yarn Shoppe. SOMEONE left me out of the news about tomorrow. Guess what!!!!There is a SALE!!!! Everything is 10% off. All Sale items will be 35% off. In The Loop Members get an additional 10% off their purchase. This is, like totally, embarassing. I am supposed to let you know what is going on and somebody forgot to give me the memo. Heads will roll I tell ya, Heads will roll. Do I sound like I am in charge? Well I am until Frank gets back next week.

And speaking of Frank. Can you believe no pictures, no phone calls (so what if ship to shore is 15.00 a minute) doesn't his little sister deserve a call. He better bring me something good.

The shop was hopping today. I guess that is a good thing this close to Easter. You know, HOPPING!!! There was a group of women in there tonight who know how to have a good time. The wine, the beer, the knitting. the laughing, the talking, the whole evening was great.

Well since the place will be busy tomorrow with all the sale shoppers I better hit the yarn and get some sleep.

See ya tomorrow,


PS ASK about becoming an IN THE LOOP MEMBER if you aren't already.

All By Myself

And I love it. No one around to tell me what to do, when to go to bed, what to eat, not to play on the yarn baller. It is like totally awesome.

Yesterday the traveling knit group was here. They had fun. They have so many ideas for new projects. it is one amazing group of talented ladies. You should check out the Christmas Stockings that Pam and Cindy are making. Pam teaches Christmas Stockings as a class and if you want to get a head start on Christmas presents this is a great class to take. A different stocking every month.

Those ladies do get some crazy ideas. They want to have an all night knit a long. I thought I was the only one who liked to stay up all night. Frank will not be happy with this news. He likes his peace and quiet. I bet he will try and talk Anna out of it. I hope not. It would be lots of fun. Maybe Anna can send Frank out of town if she decided to allow this "knit in"

There are some really cool classes next week. In Thursday there is the Gelato purse class. It is a 2 part class. It looks really cool. Saturday April 18 is the first in a series of montly scarf classes. This one teaches cables. They may look hard but Cathy swears they aren't. It is a good class to get into because all the scarves will make AWESOME Christmas presents. Christmas is only 258 days away so you better get knitting.

Don't forget Sunday the Shoppe is closed for Easter. I have it all to my self. WOOOHOOOO. Maybe I can schedule Frank a haircut and let him think Anna did it.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So In Trouble

Like Hi Everyone!!!

I am so going to be in trouble. Percy is due back on Sunday, Frank is cruising and I am supposed to be blogging. I have been having way to much fun in the shop. Friday the UPS person delivered 50 pounds of Berroco Comfort. That is right 50 pounds!!! Do you know how much yarn that is? The new colors are like so totally awesome. It makes a great landing pad for me when I get going to fast on the yarn baller. Frank may like Misty Alpaca but give me Berroco Comfort any day. I know several ladies who are making beautiful shells and T shirts out of it. Gotta love wash and wear.

The Custom Knit group was in on Sunday. They are getting so much done on those capes and have such a great time. I don't know why Frank complains about them. Their laughter and talking is so much fun to listen to.

I haven't heard from Frank. He promised pictures from the trip but I guess he is having too much fun to send them. Probably hanging out by the pool drinking some pink drink with an umbrella in it. I am hear all alone. come see me.

Thursday is the Traveling Knit Group from 12-2. Should be a good time. Tonight is happy hour.Bet those ladies and gentlemen have a good time. The Sampler Afghan also meets tonight. from 6-8

come see me.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane

I am so outta here. One week to lie on the Lido Deck and soak up some rays. WOOHOOO! Frankie is in charge. Please keep her off the yarn baller. I will be sending pictures to her from my cell phone. Not sure how the reception is at sea but I will do my best. I wonder if they have sheep aerobics? I noticed I am getting a small paunch. If I am not careful Anna will think it is excess wool and to the shearer I will go. Better not let her catch me at the midnight buffet.

Anyway, I am off on a fun adventure. See ya in a week


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Still recovering

What a few days it has been. Tuesday the groups just kept coming. There wasn't enough yarn around to muffle the noise of the fun they were having.

First the Traveling Knit Group was there. There was uh discussion about kids picking colleges, kids going into the military, kids and schools, grandkids. Do you see a pattern here? They were admiring the scarves and other projects. There was lots of buzz about upcoming classes and the cruise the end of April.

Then came happy hour. Some stayed right thru from Traveling Knit and were there for Happy Hour. That group knows how to have fun. I tried to hide out back but that didn't even help muffle the giggles from that group. You really should join them. I am looking forward to getting on the cruise Sunday and getting away from all the noise in the Shoppe. I think the cruise will be much quieter.

Can you beleive it is already April? Anna has so many things coming up for everyone at the Shoppe. I have heard that during the summer she has kids classes. The dyeing classes will be starting in May or June.

She was even mentioning to the instrutors that they needed to start thinking about Christmas project classes. Christmas?!?!? It isn't even Summer yet. Can we at least get thru Easter without mention of the jolly fat man?

Today there is a Knit a Long for a beaded scarf. Debbie starts her Crochet Hat club on Monday. You have to check it out. Anna has been ordering special yarn for Debbies upcoming classes and WOW it is cool. Pam will be having her monthly Afghan Sampler class Tuesday night.

Heads up. The store will be closed Easter Sunday, April 12.

I will be gone Saturday until the next Friday. I will be on a Mexican Cruise. I wonder if Anna got me my own cabin. I am hopeful my tux will be back so I can sit at the Captain's Table at least once. I have to remind Anna to pack my swim trunks. You never know who you might meet at the bar by the pool.
